The Impact of Language in Literature

Explore the profound impact of language in English Passengers. Uncover how authors craft representations and delve into colonial legacies that continue to reverberate in contemporary society. Join the conversation on literature, identity, and social critique

The Impact of Language in Literature
Look at that detail (꒪⌓꒪) Imma hunt them down & steal dat talent
The impact of a literary work can sometimes be attributed to the way a writer has used language to create particular representations of people and/or places. Explore this idea referring in detail to at least one literary work you have studied.

The question I sought to answer👆

Hello everyone! 🙋‍♀️ Welcome back to a new post and thank you for listening 🙉 to my rants about thought-provoking pieces of literature. Today's post is a continuation and finale of the high-scoring essay I wrote for Year 12 Literature ATAR, and thus the format, structure, content, language, etc. used will be in greater alignment with the syllabus. 📑 I hope this is helpful for you ☺️

Overview: Understanding Language and Representation

Literature serves as a mirror reflecting the complexities of human existence and societal dynamics. At its core, language serves as the primary medium through which authors construct these reflections. Through carefully chosen words, phrases, and stylistic devices, writers create vivid depictions of characters, cultures, and environments. The representations crafted by language not only convey the surface characteristics but also delve into the deeper nuances of human experiences and societal structures.

Analysing Colonial Impact through English Passengers

The light Kneale shines on the still pertinent impacts of colonisation is largely impactful in English Passengers.

This impact can be partly attributed to its characterisation of the hopelessness of Indigenous peoples in light of the White man's desire to 'turn over a new leaf' and stop seeking to dispossess them. Peevay says, with a despondent tone, "White men never would help a black fellow... they never did and never would."

Comparing Literary Representations with Modern Context

The themes depicted in English Passengers resonate with contemporary issues, thereby highlighting the timelessness of its message. In the modern Australian context, the impacts of colonialism continue to reverberate, manifesting in various forms of systemic oppression and marginalisation faced by Indigenous communities. By drawing parallels between the novel and present-day realities, readers are prompted to critically examine the ongoing implications of historical injustices. English Passengers, by characterising Indigenous individuals as despaired by colonisation, urges us to become more aware of the ongoing ways in which colonisation seeks to continue disempowerment.


The Sun never sets on the British Empire.

"The Sun never sets on the British Empire" is a popular saying in the early 1800s that boosted the colonial power of Europe. Through its nuanced exploration of colonisation and its aftermath, the novel underscores the enduring relevance of language as a tool for social critique and cultural commentary. Specifically, English passengers condemns colonisation as self-serving and self-deluding, criticises it for degrading Indigenous identity, and raises awareness on its impact today.

As readers engage with Kneale's evocative narrative, they are compelled to confront the complexities of history and the power dynamics inherent in linguistic representation.

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Additional food-for-thought: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 🥨

  1. Is English Passengers based on real historical events?
    Yes, the novel is loosely based on historical events, particularly the colonisation of Tasmania and complete genocide.
  2. How does language contribute to the portrayal of Indigenous characters in the novel?
    Language serves as a means through which the author conveys the experiences and perspectives of Indigenous characters, highlighting their struggles and resilience.
  3. What are some contemporary parallels to the themes explored in English Passengers?
    Contemporary issues such as land rights disputes and cultural appropriation bear resemblance to the themes of colonisation and Indigenous marginalization depicted in the novel.
  4. Why is the representation of Indigenous identity significant in literature?
    The representation of Indigenous identity in literature helps to challenge dominant narratives and amplify marginalised voices, fostering greater understanding, empathy, and action.
  5. How can readers apply the insights from English Passengers to real-world contexts?
    By critically analysing the themes and messages of the novel, readers can gain insights into the struggles for social justice and equity in contemporary society.

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