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Support us

The Young Doctors Essay Competition is the premier platform dedicated to guiding the next generation of our West Australian doctors. We’re passionate about inspiring high school students to explore their love for medicine, helping them grow into compassionate, competent, and skilled healthcare professionals. We work hard to nurture these future medical leaders, ensuring they are equipped to make a lasting impact on our community.

But we can’t do it alone. Your contribution is essential to keep this initiative alive and thriving. But all of this would come to a grinding halt without your support.  Support a cause that you care about - donate now to shape our next generation of doctors.

Teaching Tomorrow’s Healers Today

We invite you, as a valued member of the medical community, to join us in shaping the future of medicine in Western Australia. Your donation will play a crucial role in inspiring and guiding the young minds who will become the doctors of tomorrow. Contribute today - let's create a brighter future for healthcare together!

Donate Now
three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 / Unsplash

How Your Donation Helps

Your contribution directly impacts our next generation of doctors. Here's how:

  • $750: Fully funds the winner's and runner-up’s prize, recognising outstanding achievement and dedication to the medical academia.
  • $250: Sponsors educational talks and workshops, providing students with valuable insights and skills.
  • $100: Helps distribute materials to participating schools, inspiring more students to pursue a career in medicine.
Every donation, regardless of size, makes a significant difference in nurturing Western Australia's future healthcare leaders.

In closing

As I begin my journey at medical school, I’m more determined than ever to ensure that the Young Doctors’ Essay Competition continues to grow. This competition is a turning point for students - it challenges them to think critically and creatively about healthcare issues, and shape their aspirations to become future doctors. Your support means the world to me and to the students whose futures you are helping to discover.

In just one year, the Young Doctors’ Essay Competition has ignited a passion for medicine in students from across Western Australia. With your help, we can expand this initiative, providing even more students the opportunity to explore a career in healthcare.

The winning essays, like Marysia Crisafio's insightful exploration of organ transplantation ethics, demonstrate the intellectual depth and dedication these students bring to the field. Our distinguished panel of judges, including senior academics from the Perron Institute and Hebei Medical University, ensures that these essays are evaluated with the highest standards, preparing the next generation of doctors to excel in their careers.

By supporting the Young Doctors Essay Competition, you’re not just donating — you're helping to cultivate a future generation of healthcare professionals who will carry forward the values of compassionate care and ethical practice for you. Every contribution helps us reach more students, expand our educational offerings, and inspire young minds to pursue their dreams in medicine.

By supporting the Young Doctors Essay Competition, you're not just donating - you're investing in the future of healthcare.

 Thank you for considering a donation today!

For any questions, feel free to reach out to me at 📬 I’d love to keep you updated on the competition’s progress!